EMA EOC Activation Level

Knox County Emergency Operations Center

Level 4 – Daily Operations/Activated 

Level 3 – Emergency Support Functions (ESF) Staffing

Level 2 – All ESFs

Level 1 – All ESFs and Policy Group


What does the EOC do?

County Travel Status

Travel Status Level:



Indiana Travel Status Map

INDOT Traffic Information

Knox County Public GIS Map with Live Events

The Knox County Emergency Management Agency utilizes a program called Event Manager as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) to place information on a real-time web based map to inform the public of events that may affect them. Events such as road closures, high water areas during flooding, locations of interest during incidents, and more. In addition, county based public information can be viewed on this map.

Click here to view the GIS Map

Area River Information
Wireless Emergency Alerts

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) are short emergency messages from authorized federal, state, local, tribal and territorial public alerting authorities that can be broadcast from cell towers to any WEA‐enabled mobile device in a locally targeted area. Wireless providers primarily use cell broadcast technology for WEA message delivery. WEA is a partnership among FEMA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and wireless providers to enhance public safety.

WEAs can be sent to your mobile device when you may be in harm’s way, without the need to download an app or subscribe to a service. WEAs are messages that warn the public of an impending natural or human-made disaster. The messages are short and can provide immediate, life-saving information.

Click here for more information on the WEA and Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS)


Knox County Emergency Management Agency uses a mass notification system, CodeRED, for informing citizens of emergencies and important information for community preparedness, when necessary. This service is free for Knox County citizens to register. For more information and to register, click the link below.

Mission Statement:

Our Mission is to provide a comprehensive and integrated emergency management system that coordinates the resources to protect lives, property, and the environment through prevention, protection, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery from all natural and man-made hazards and events that may impact our county and our communities.

What we do:

  • Coordinate Emergency Management activities for Knox County.
  • Maintain and update the county’s Comprehensive Emergency
  • Management Plan, Hazards Vulnerability Analysis and Hazard Mitigation Plan.
  • Activate and staff the county Emergency Operations Center.
  • Work with other county, city, town, departments, agencies and task force elements to develop a variety of related emergency plans, procedures and guidelines.
  • Coordinate for local, state and federal government response and recovery operations during a major emergency or disaster.
  • Maintain and operate the counties fixed –site and mobile Emergency Operations Center.
  • Conduct community emergency and disaster education workshops.
  • Monitor severe weather outlooks, watches, and warnings issued by the Storm Prediction Center and National Weather Service offices and coordinate response and damage assessment with Public Safety agencies after severe weather.
  • Serve as staff support for the Knox County Local Emergency Planning Committee for Hazardous Materials.
  • Provide assistance and support to all public safety agencies, government entities and private sector partners through planning, training and exercising.
  • Coordinate resource support to tactical response units and on scene Incident Commanders.
  • Provide Continuity of Operations Planning information and guidance.

What Do You Do In the Event of a Disaster?

Take a look at our personal preparation guide to see what you can do to keep you and your family safe during the event of a disaster.

EMA Contacts

 John Streeter

EMA Director

Renee Schopmeyer

Deputy Director

Training & Exercise

Chance Westfall

Deputy Director, COML

Response  & Planning

 Jim Evans

Deputy Director

Communications & Warning

Contact Us

Knox County Emergency Management Agency

2375 S. Old Decker Road

Vincennes, Indiana 47591

812-882-5669 (KNOX)

[email protected]

Social Media Updates

Local Weather Stations
