The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is the central location from which response and recovery activities are coordinated during a major emergency or disaster. The key function of the EOC is to ensure that those responders working in the field have the resources needed to carry out their assignments. It allows decision-makers to operate in one place to coordinate and communicate with support staff.
The EOC does not provide on-scene management. Tactical direction and control rests with the Incident Commander(s) in the field. It manages the overall event through several key functions:
- Direction and control
- Management of information and data
- Coordination
- Priority setting
- Public information
- Resource management
The Knox County EOC is located at the Knox County Sheriffs Department at 2375 South Old Decker Road. The Emergency Management Agency is responsible for maintaining and operating the EOC.
The Emergency Operations Center is often activated at a “Minimal Staffing” level, with Emergency Management staff and volunteers, when there is a potential for an emergency or disaster situation developing. When fully activated to perform its management and coordination role, the County Commissioners, Councils, Mayors, Town Boards, EOC Coordinator, Emergency Management Director and other key staff are present at the EOC as well as senior officials from county departments and agencies such as:
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- Fire Service Agencies
- Emergency Medical Service Agencies
- E911 and Emergency Dispatch Centers
- Public Health Departments
- Highway and Street Departments
- American Red Cross
- Salvation Army
- 211 and 411 Services
- Elected and Appointed Officials
- News Media
Another critical function of the Emergency Operations Center is communications with response agencies and other jurisdictions. The Knox County EOC Communications Room has direct two-way radio communication links with:
- County Emergency Management Agencies
- Indiana Department of Homeland Security
- Indiana National Guard
- Amateur Radio Service
- Indiana Department of Transportation
- All County Public Safety Agencies